am i doing the right thing ? waiting fr you like a pathetic loser bitch ? you just think about HER feelings , what am i to you ? some kind of a waiting machine ? i know its not yr fault , but you have to think , fhm tak ? you main2 kan our feelings , what are women to you ? barbie dolls ? like after dah bosan and yg lg lawa came out in pasaran and terus buang mcm tuu ? i mean , i dnt know whos fault , and i feel very guilty too , i feel like i'm ruining your relationship with that girl, but when i asked you whether you love me or not and u said yes and you said i was the only one , i mean like besides your family :/ and like you nk break dgn dia then dia tanak then she made you promise to her that you wont leave her ? berapa lama i kena tunggu you lg ? what's the point of waiting fr you pun , you've screwed up every single thing ,
you ppl maybe think that i'm a perampas or wtv but you dont know the details , so keep talking , :)