Monday, December 28, 2009

Poof-poof part 1

Well, was supposed to go watch movie with the girlfriends but they were all busy *sighs* . Asked A but he was busy *sighs-er*. Asked T and he just woke up and free, but 1 problem, his mum was using the car. So T and N picked me up and went to uptown to eat dinner after 3 hours of waiting for T hehe *chill T*. N and me had lamb chop, which wasn't that nice but we're hungry, so what right? T ate 'daging masak merah' with rice which looks so finger-licking-good HAHA then after dinner we went to Mcd to lepak with S. then TM and M came. Lepak-lepak, had chocotop and T sent me home around 1. I was shocked mama didnt call, because you know i have curfews and all, have to be back bfre 12, cinderella-like HAHA and I guess that was it for today.


Friday, December 25, 2009


DUP..DAP..DUP..DAP..*getting faster

PMR results yo, shit -_-
well, i went there obviously not with baju kurung, let say that im the only one who didnt wear baju kurung, I mean comeeee onnnnn -_- i know its klntn wtv but at least i put my scarfs on but with some reasons the wind blew it away at the end , HAHA okay

So, the first person i saw is hm let me recall , wait , i forgot, but i hugged them as soon as i saw them, ditched my dad *sorry dad. And I started to scream, duh, obviously.

Then, the teachers asked us to take a seat in the hall because they're gonna announce the results. And a cpl of parents sat in the row behind us,well obviously we're noisy and they looked annoyed but dont really care. While waiting for the thingy to start, Cikgu Azli called me, and he said

Cikgu : Anith, 1 je la.
Me : HAH! 1 APA CIKGU ?! *obviously i panicked
Cikgu : 1 je la , haih awak ni
Me : Apa ni cikgu, lek lek aa jgn aa main-main
Cikgu : 1B je, hehehehehe, 7A 1B
Me : Eh, cikgu ni , suka ah tipu, mana cikgu tau ? *dlm kepala otak : cikgu ni ee , tipu je
Cikgu : saya tgh check la ni, bila masa pulak saya tipu awak
Me : Ee, pape ah ckg. Nnt saya jmp ah ckg

WOW, I started to panicked, really2 panicked and then Bonda gave some speech about the percentage crap, I wasnt paying much attention because I'm panicking. The speech was long, long enough to make someone die. Specifically, *I die
Then it's time, It's freaking time. 8A's, 7A's and 6A's would have to go up the stage and get a bouquet of flwrs crap and they announced 7A's 1B first, I was like shit, if Cikgu Azli was right, my name would be call, and why on earth didnt they call my name yet?! and then i heard someone calling my name ANITH DALILA BT ZAINAL ABIDIN. I was like, err, whaaat ? and i looked at Dayah, she was smiling, and i screamed, the high tone scream like the one tht anith dalila always does. Yeah, and with my heels tht's killing my leg I went up the stage, with crappy scarf that i tried to get comfortable with *because its licin and i didnt wear terbus* and there I was, receiving the slip and flowers. I go off the stage and started running *yes with the killing heels* towards my dad. He was like really happy and started to call everyone. Its kind of the first time seeing him this happy for something i did. I want to cry, but i didnt *its a happy cry y'know.haha*

Then, I came back to where I was seating, the mum tht sat behind me congrat-ed me, and she said 'Awak ni style lah' hahaha , at the time i was like 'Gila rockstar mak cik ni' then i salam her. Yeah, tht's pretty much about it.

Me, Dayah, Ada, Koman, Mimi, and Mia(koman's sister) lepaked at KB Mall since i'm not gonna go to school ovr there next yr, its pretty much a-bye-bye- thingy. Gonna post some pictures later, when i get them from Mimi -.- haha


Saturday, December 19, 2009

*tetttt* I got it all wrong

HAHAHA , ignore the post down here , tht so called 'Thanks'
I was wrong, :O

Well, I just got back from Sri Cempaka Dsara Prom, I'll write soon abt it and maybe post some pics :D


Friday, December 18, 2009


Thank you, you GUYS, for hurting me, over and over again. I think I'll get used to be hurt over and over again.

Is it damn hard just to pick up your damn phn or reply my msgs to say tht you're not interested in me, so it could be easier for me to move on and not waiting like a fool for you? What the fuck happen to 'Will You wait for me?', 'I've been single for a few years, please, if suddenly you changed your mind, please let me know so that I wont be hurt again'
And i think that, You're the one who changed your mind.
Is it that hard for you to say, maybe, You're not serious? Why does it has to sound like You are while You're not?

Yes, it's too early, I barely know you. It's just me who fell for your sweettalks, my fault. I wouldn't blame it on you.

*I don't know those things I wrote make sense*

Maybe, You're scared, or, just too mysterious?
You're unpredictable, so Im sorry if I was wrong, but give it a chance to let ppl understand you.
I'm sorry tht You hurt me.


Thursday, December 17, 2009


*Dead, really

PMR results - 24th Dec WOW ain't it? It's like in 7days = 148hours.
*heart's beating faster*


You don't know what I'll get through if i mess this up.
Currently my situation now is fucked up enough, with overprotective parents GOD KNOWS WHY.

I don't understand why people always said 'Chill ah, PMR JE pun. Kabut lebih'
It's not JUST , it's more than JUST . It will lead us somewhere in the future, to where most of people's dreams will be realised.

Hahaha, I sounded like a Mak Cik pulak -.-

OH, and I'll be taking my results in Kelantan, and I'm looking forward to that. Missed the crazy friends :')
*When i bitch abt the school, *and still will be*, its just the school and some particular ppl*

I didn't tell my parents yet abt the date, and they'll not know until someone tell them because
1. Too busy taking after children tht's not even his's *I mean flesh and blood
2. Too busy loving the other wife
3. Too busy to come and see wht's been going on at home
4. Too busy ...
5. Too busy ...
6. Too busy ...
*To a particular person, I think you could fill that up right? If You even realized. Poor You. I love you, but its just some facts tht i couldn't lie/hide.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009


OH GEE , It's been a long time since I last blogged :O Sorry but I was busy with school and life. So yeah,

Hmm, I just came back from Bandung, here are some pics of me and my family;

Shiit, gotta run, I'll write soon


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kelantan II

hmm , well , i miss my friends in kl , and i miss my guitar , my room .
and my sisterawadah was warded again because she cant breathe or something like that .
i want to go back to kl , i want to have my freedom back ! alaa , :( rasa mcm nak nangis .dah la mcm semua org mcm dh lupa i je :( sedih okay . haha . i want to go to the mall like i used to dgn my frnds and all . haih . okay this blog is just going nowhere , i dnt know what to talk about and im stressed out because i havent finish the public speaking text yet and the competition is like on this saturday 4th april and now is already 2nd april wtf , boodh laaaaa , ergh , i thought that the teachers yg the one who supposed to do the text , not me :( i cried for several times today . fuck lah . baik tk payah pg sekolah je if all of the teachers mcm expect the students blh buat semua bnd !


Friday, March 20, 2009

KL . Kelantan

well , its not as bad as i think it is. Fine , maybe its a bit religious :S or a little bit more and like muslims have to wear tudung to the mall otherwise kene saman HAHA that's wht i heard lh , but mcm never happen to me pun, so yeah. I really think that its up to us you know, i mean , i know its their thing to advice muslims to tutup aurat because its a have to kind of thing but its really up to us , are we ready or not kan , but yeah . wtv haha

The hostel , well , hm , 1st of all , i've had histeria like in the 3rd week or something , scary tho . they said that im the strongest among all yang kene :S and because i have 6 piercings and maybe used to color my hair (i blacken it black back bt it turns the color like fading because the color before was too strong -.- ) and the PK HEM saw my piercings and my hair and she said that it might be because of that . wtv lah .

there are some people that are open minded , like my frnds of course. some of them when i first came there , when i told them how i live my life bfre they were like 'god!' and the next mrning didnt talk to me again :S so , on this 22nd i'll be giving ceramah at the surau which they call musalla here about hmm my life i think . haha . and i gave 1 bfre the school holidays and it was about 'memfitnah' . and my senior , which im kind of close to , told me that , there's someone asking her when i was giving the ceramah abt the fitnah thingy and that someone was like , 'oh i thought she had 6 piercings and this and that and doesnt know abt Islam' *in kelantanese of course* well obviously it depends on the family she used to live before stupid ! -.- and now baru like berpandangan baik and this is what i call stupid cupid ppl that i hate . even the biro agama pun mcm take it slowly because they understand how i chnged my life mcm sgt contra okay dgn yg dulu , so people , chill , im trying to change and you kind of people are so not helping ! i feel like screaming at their faces -.- just wait and see what im gonna talk abt this 22nd and you gys wil be gobsmacked !

oh , and i heard ada this girl mcm jealous , and she told my frnd ni dia prnh jeling dkt i and i buat bodoh or even dont recognize pun. so , what do you expect me to do ? cungkil biji mata kau ? bodoh , orang yang bodoh je buat mcm tu okay and im not tht stupid -.- ergh stupid .

haha , and yeah , the whole teachers knew how i live my life bfre and since my cousin's teaching there mcm memburukkan nama dia haih , wtv . mu ustzh adviced me the other day and i cried , she said she knows evrything and then masa extra class there was this teacher which i dnt know and doesnt teach our class came in because we're too noisy and she asked 'who's the new student?' and i raised my hand and she was like 'oh,wear your tudung properly' *bajet kau bagus sgt ah* urgh . how i live my life bfre has nothing to do how i live my life now kan , so fuck off la . eeee , geram :( lantak kau lah at least aku berperangai baik , kalau jahat pun dkt luar je . HAHA

so yeah , i have loads of friends , and i gained a lil bit of weight . and guess what ? i got 72% for my sejarah *hooray haha . never get close to D pun and ttbe dpt B :D how cool is that . haha . and i was chosen to compete in pidato in english :S haha , and im apparently the only student that's from outside of kelantan . thank god i live here fr a few years back then unless ill never understand what theyre talking about. HAHA . and guess what ? i have my slang already -.- urgh . haha

yeah , tht's al fr now

Thursday, January 22, 2009


omg , guess whaaaaaat ?
im moving like next friday :(
im sooo gonna miss you guys and lately we've been having good times laughing and all. ill miss that you know ;/ no one cn ever replace you guys :*
and just now i went to makbul with sya and atqh , and guess whatttt ? i saw paan :D i was like shouting and everybody were looking at me -.- biar la, mcm tk prnh jerit pulak kau :@ hahahaha , yeah . the last time i saw him was abt a mnth ago -.- gila lama ,. and esok nyaaaah aka pantat balik :D hahaha . haih .

oh yeah , im going there like in another week . and just now balqis was telling about the asrama and all and she saw hantu crap thingy like bergantung on the ceiling , FUCK ,. pray for my success , ngeh

Monday, January 5, 2009

1st Day Of School

Fucked up. Its like i have to stay like an idiot for the whole day in the discipline room just because of the stupid hair thingy. HELLO, its like the first day of school. And starting from tomorrow i have to start wearing tudung -.- haha I miss staying in the classroom and gossip-ing with Atiqah, Maria, and Insyi :( and I just missed all the gossips they were talking about just now. GRR :@

currently listening to A lonely September - Plain White T's
Well, Icky and Weyna sing it better :P *Icky kembang bontot HAHAHA

Haih, what a boring day in the Hospital *sighs*

Sunday, January 4, 2009


i want this thing , right thereeee ------>>>>
sape nak presentkan ? :D hehehehe
tak nak presentkan tak apa , :@ grr , HAHAHA , masalah .

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fatimah Yusra Bt Ahmad Sidek

I will never ever forget you bestfriend. Although we're not going to be in the same school and country, You'll always be my bestfriend. You've helped me alot. We've been through ups and downs together. Haih . I'm sorry if I've ever hurt your feelings which i think i may have. haha . well you know that im like that kan sya :P hahaha , you guys will be a lot aman-er when im not around nnt. haha :P no one can replace you. NO ONE. I will remember all the times we had together, memories stays. Let's just forget about all the fights we had last year. It was all just a stupid misunderstanding. I LOVE YOU YUSRA <3

new year's eve

Damn fucking boring okay. From morning til night i have to be at the hsptl to take care of Awadah. Haih. Called Oyie and Afzal to take me out but Oyie was in KL and Afzal was otw from Penang and that time he was still at Tapah. But they did call me that night , at 11pm , that time i just got back from the hospital. Fucking tired okay. 1 whole day i was at the hsptl -.- *sighs* and they called at the same time , Oyie called to Baby's phone and Afzal's to Mama's phone , haha , then Afzal asked me whthr i want to follow him to the curve or not , then i gave the phone to Papa and he said 'Where are you guys going ?' 'Curve kot, boleh tk ?' 'No , no , cannot. Count her out ' . Fuck ke tak ? Fuck kan ? so Mama , Baby and me just watch the fireworks from our house balcony. How I wish im not under my parents care anymore.