Sunday, May 18, 2008


which means BITCH FROM HELL . haha , lantak aku nk tiru kau , loser

which means Bitch From Hell.

You don't call a senior rude names. It should be the opposite way round. Itupun, we don't do. We don't flirt our way to popularity. We don't trade boyfriends like you guys do. We don't, ok. Shit, i wish i could tell everyone MY side of the story. But this is too public. I'm tired of being the one saying Sorry. Mampus ah dia nak buat apa. Dahla budak keciiiiiiiiik. Ee. Tak malu langsung. You went too far without realizing it. Or, maybe you did realize but you don't give a damn in the world about how the others may feel. Apa hall nak bagi stares ? We're a year older than you. Camne boleh nak buat in the first place, ntah. Like i said, tak malu sial.


lantak aku lah nk stare dkt kau , kenapa ? takut , ngahaha :D kau a year older je , lain ah kau da 20 bodoh -.- budak keciiiik ? excuse me :D kau besar sgt skrng ? :D dah la PENDEK , bahaha :D
aku kisah abt korang punya feelings but then kau yg sakitkan hati aku dulu , what to do ? i push aside the feelings that you guys may feel :D i dont give a fucking cow shit abt your feelings if you mess with me, najis :D i may be bitchy , but , you're not ke ? :D org yg pakai tudung pun ( not you wahida ) boleh jd bitch apetah lagi org yg tak pakai tudung dan amat perasan :D aku nk flirt ? lantak aku lah :D kau bkn mak bapak aku , mak bapak aku tak halang pun :D aku bukannya flirt face to face , msn sudah , kau jealous ke derang tak lyn kau ? BAHAHAHA . ure tired of saying sorry ? you yg start the kesalah fahaman , and u expect i yg nk ckp sorry ? hello , eventho ure older than me it doesnt mean that the younger ones have to say sorry -.- bengong , bodoh ke apa aku tatau . and kau nk penat mendenye ? ahahaha , mcm la kau kena lumba lari or anything -.- duhh , mst la aku tak malu buat mcm tu , if aku malu mcm mana aku boleh buat ? adoiii , ada otak , akal , semua ada aku rasa , tak menggunakannya dgn betul i guess :D pg smyg lah , taubat byk :D ill never forgive you SISTAH , and i dnt care kau nk forgive aku ke tak because you're just a pile of shit to me <3

anith , xoxo

1 comment:

Wahida R. said...

u mcm lebih bitchy dr i.
you rock, sistah!
proud of you!
fight all d way!
i got your back!