Tuesday, October 28, 2008


kawan boleh dicari ,
sahabat ? tidak sesekali .
sahabat yang telah mengharungi through thick and thin .
aku dlm situasi yg sangat rumit sekarang .
how can you choose between your bestfriend and your good friend ?
aku memang tak boleh nak pilih .
nanti one of korang pun terasa kan .
susah la mcm tu ,
so ive made my decision , i dont want to get involve in this thing .
and you guys please , dont try to make me involve in this thing .
altho i know that you were talking rubbish abt me behind my back ,
but hey , i dont give a shit .
no heart feelings taken, alright ?
youre still my bestie altho it hurts so fucking damn much .

dah dah la tu , dapat apa pun gaduh-gaduh ?
tak payah la ungkit cerita lama .
dah tak boleh pergi balik dah pun yg lalu tu .
i hate to see 2 groups pun .
let's just be friends again .

let's stop manipulating stories ,
and stop judging people .
it would be the best not to judge people lagi-lagi your good friends .
because we can't change who they are if they choose to be like that .
or maybe we can perbetulkan kan ?
all of us have choices , so why dont we choose the best ones ?
stop being blair waldorf wannabe alright ?

please , wake up !

im sorry if my words are a bit harsh but its for the best .


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