i dah tau apa nk pakai for golden night ;)
haha , at frst mcm nk pakai kebaya , but then mcm,
:/ i dnt know , and mama pun ckp that kebaya org 'tua' je pakai XD
hahaha , yeahhh ,
then korek2 wardrobe semua , jumpa la this dress :) i bought it last mnth ,
and havent wear it yet , so im gonna wear it tmrw night , :D omg ,
saya sgt teruja :D hahaha ,
and ill wear it with high heel , tp mcm nak beli baru punya :/
but mcm , takut nk mintak since frst2 nk mintak mama belikan dress baru pun
susahhh , adoiii , hahaha , but wtv it is , i dah tau nak pakai apa :D hahaha
aaaaaaaaa, esok ada maulidur rasul thingy :/ and rasa mcm mls nak pg :/
but then ada bolbal punya practice -.- haihhh , i guess dtg sekolah abt 1030 kot :D
hahaha , and then ada tuition and kumon :/ and my kumon's wrksheet hilanggg , i am so
DEAD . i dah cr merata tmpt , and dah try to refresh blk where did i put them -.-
mcm org gila , nnt mula la ms lim kata bullshit laaa -.- adoiii ,
i wish dah tak payah belajar , and like pndi mcm einstein,edison,avicenna,rhazes,newton etc :/
and jd org terpandai , and terkaya , woahhh :O
okayyy , im talking rubbish dah , hahaha . okayy laaa , nak buat hw :/
ill write again , sooner or later :D
hahaha ,
anithdalilazainalabidinsuperstar xoxo :*