ive packed , at last :)
haha ,
brought 12 baju's , 4 jeans , 2 cardigans , 4 baju tidur
haih , for only 5 days and 4 nights , haha pretty much heh ? :/
so , im gonna be away for a while , so , miss me :D
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
jangan lah buat hal,
kau nak buat hal time-time genting mcm ni la pulak kan ?
apa masalah kau actually eh ?
ee , tak prnh2 pun jadi mcm ni ,
if dlm kereta aku bosan nnt mcm mana ?
tolonglah , Ya Allah ,
aku memohon kepadamu untuk computerku connect kepada ipodku
amin ya rabbal a lamin
apa masalah kau actually eh ?
ee , tak prnh2 pun jadi mcm ni ,
if dlm kereta aku bosan nnt mcm mana ?
tolonglah , Ya Allah ,
aku memohon kepadamu untuk computerku connect kepada ipodku
amin ya rabbal a lamin
off to penang tomorrow night , or evening ,
didnt pack yet ,
i dont feel like going , HA-HA as if thats gonna happen
haih , i dont feel right :/
i need the answers now ,
boleh tak ?
omg anith , you have issues , thats what harreyka always say -.- haha
i think im having a teenage life crisis , or not . haha
didnt pack yet ,
i dont feel like going , HA-HA as if thats gonna happen
haih , i dont feel right :/
i need the answers now ,
boleh tak ?
omg anith , you have issues , thats what harreyka always say -.- haha
i think im having a teenage life crisis , or not . haha
whaaat ?
im not in the mood to write , or even talk ,
theres tons of questions popping in my head for you to answer ,
so get ready ,
please ?
theres tons of questions popping in my head for you to answer ,
so get ready ,
please ?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
woah ,
feeling better now , kot ? hahaha
had seni , sivik and maths paper today ,
cheated all of seni and sivik's questions ;)
chill lah , test baru ,
texted my maths tuition teacher during maths paper ,
asking for the answer XD
HAHA , jahat kan ? :0
well ,
saya berjanji akan (or trying to , ngeh ) :
- study at least 2 hours a day like i used to
- online at least 1 hr 30 mins (as if , ahaha)
- smyg 5 times ( selalu tertggl asar )
- hmm , eat less-er HAHA
that's all for now kot :/ haha
and nk shopping baju rayaaa ! :(
had seni , sivik and maths paper today ,
cheated all of seni and sivik's questions ;)
chill lah , test baru ,
texted my maths tuition teacher during maths paper ,
asking for the answer XD
HAHA , jahat kan ? :0
well ,
saya berjanji akan (or trying to , ngeh ) :
- study at least 2 hours a day like i used to
- online at least 1 hr 30 mins (as if , ahaha)
- smyg 5 times ( selalu tertggl asar )
- hmm , eat less-er HAHA
that's all for now kot :/ haha
and nk shopping baju rayaaa ! :(
Monday, September 22, 2008
ohh myyy goddd ,
i went to jasema enterprise just now to buy a few rujukan books since dah nk dkt exam and buku rujukan yg lama da hilang kot and mcm tak berfaedah pon yg tuu -.-
so yeah , i went there to buy new ones and yg lagi useful la kan ,
then suddenly my dad mcm , 'oh , how did you know buku tu keluar dkt pasaran ?'
and i was like 'whaaaaat ? :S'
then dia mcm 'mcm mana awak tau yg blablabla *tk dgr sgt '
then i was like 'duuuuuuuuuuuuuh , ckg semua tu guna :S , duh papa -.-'
then he was like 'oh , okay , blk nnt study til 3am , mcm main computer tuu'
OKAY , wtf is his problem ?
dia yg suruh org study and all then suddenly mrh pulak beli buku ni ?
apa masalah doe , urghhh , dia yg selalu babble ckp 'oh , awak tak membaca , tak jadi pndi '
eee , then , what happens now ?
sumpah , mcm , eeeeeee , tatau la nk ckp apa ,
dia suruh i bangga kan dia la and all , now , I AM TRYING , to do so , cant you see ? or you just dont really believe that i can be more than you think i can ?
you dont have to compare me with my friends , YOU , dont know anything ,
then only thing that you care about is baby , baby , baby , baby , and the upcoming baby ,
which he tells , almost ALL , of his friends that i wanted to have a new brother/sister , which is SO UNTRUE , kalau boleh tanak pon ,
bila this baby lahir lagi lah ,
i am really trying to change okay , but if you're acting like this , how can i ?
haihh , even if its not my fault you will still shout at me and all
i cant stand this thing okay , please for once , try to understand me ,
*how i hope he's reading this shit
and the most unforgettable moment is , you called me STUPID , in front of a bloody electricianist-wtv-crap guy , kalau dkt rumah tu tak apa la , and it is because of a FUCKING IRON THAT YOU DONT EVEN USE FOR GOD'S SAKE ,
and i did cried at that moment , i feel like killing myself , oh my god , imagine your own dad pggl you stupid or bangang .
how does it feels ?
im not that stupid am i ? :/ kan ?
or maybe i am , 4th class over 8 , 3rd in the class over 36 , , yeah , stupid , VERY .
thank you for your kindness , or apa2 yg saya dah menyusahkan hidup papa ,
i really appreciate it and still respect you and still anggap you as my dad ,
thank you , and pleasee , do forgive me if before this ive ever hurt you or anything ,
thank you for not understanding me , thank you for every fucking thing .
it really really really hurt my feelings , you're here , or not , it doesnt make any diff.
and now i really really need someone to talk to , to cry to ,
someone who undestands me ,
where are you when i need to talk to you ?
well , i dont even know whther you understand me or not ,
but right now , i just want to talk to you .
so yeah , i went there to buy new ones and yg lagi useful la kan ,
then suddenly my dad mcm , 'oh , how did you know buku tu keluar dkt pasaran ?'
and i was like 'whaaaaat ? :S'
then dia mcm 'mcm mana awak tau yg blablabla *tk dgr sgt '
then i was like 'duuuuuuuuuuuuuh , ckg semua tu guna :S , duh papa -.-'
then he was like 'oh , okay , blk nnt study til 3am , mcm main computer tuu'
OKAY , wtf is his problem ?
dia yg suruh org study and all then suddenly mrh pulak beli buku ni ?
apa masalah doe , urghhh , dia yg selalu babble ckp 'oh , awak tak membaca , tak jadi pndi '
eee , then , what happens now ?
sumpah , mcm , eeeeeee , tatau la nk ckp apa ,
dia suruh i bangga kan dia la and all , now , I AM TRYING , to do so , cant you see ? or you just dont really believe that i can be more than you think i can ?
you dont have to compare me with my friends , YOU , dont know anything ,
then only thing that you care about is baby , baby , baby , baby , and the upcoming baby ,
which he tells , almost ALL , of his friends that i wanted to have a new brother/sister , which is SO UNTRUE , kalau boleh tanak pon ,
bila this baby lahir lagi lah ,
i am really trying to change okay , but if you're acting like this , how can i ?
haihh , even if its not my fault you will still shout at me and all
i cant stand this thing okay , please for once , try to understand me ,
*how i hope he's reading this shit
and the most unforgettable moment is , you called me STUPID , in front of a bloody electricianist-wtv-crap guy , kalau dkt rumah tu tak apa la , and it is because of a FUCKING IRON THAT YOU DONT EVEN USE FOR GOD'S SAKE ,
and i did cried at that moment , i feel like killing myself , oh my god , imagine your own dad pggl you stupid or bangang .
how does it feels ?
im not that stupid am i ? :/ kan ?
or maybe i am , 4th class over 8 , 3rd in the class over 36 , , yeah , stupid , VERY .
thank you for your kindness , or apa2 yg saya dah menyusahkan hidup papa ,
i really appreciate it and still respect you and still anggap you as my dad ,
thank you , and pleasee , do forgive me if before this ive ever hurt you or anything ,
thank you for not understanding me , thank you for every fucking thing .
it really really really hurt my feelings , you're here , or not , it doesnt make any diff.
and now i really really need someone to talk to , to cry to ,
someone who undestands me ,
where are you when i need to talk to you ?
well , i dont even know whther you understand me or not ,
but right now , i just want to talk to you .
september 22 ,
today wass sooo funn ,
i guess its the end of the so called sadness week :D hahaha
here are some pictures of us being crazy :D enjoy , haha
ignore me , just look at her face XD
i guess its the end of the so called sadness week :D hahaha
here are some pictures of us being crazy :D enjoy , haha

okaaaaay , enough information , hahaha
oh and we had english and bahasa paper just now ,
it is soooo damn easy maaan XD
celah bontot je XD
but i did cheat , i mean , sape tak prnh kan ?
hahaha , texted atiqah during the test ,
tak berkat puasa XD heh
tp , life's brief candle tuu susah doe :/
but hopefully dpt A la kan , its like hello -.- everyday punya language kot , :/
tmrw's seni , sivik and maths :/
im soo gonna study fr maths ,
one of my fav subj tho :/
haha ,
raya raya raya ,
aaaa , i dont know what to buy since i didnt wear last year's baju raya yet , :/ got 5 for last year , wore 2 , another 3 masuk muzeum , haha . dont know whther still muat ke tak , hahaha , XD
i dont know why but i dont feel like raya-ing , this year :/ usually ill buy mercun and all but this year ? this year is so different , everything's changed ,
people ,
loveness ,
haih , i want it back to the way it was , when everything was perfect , when the family's reunite at mi's(ummi) house ,
but now mi is gone ,
abah got a new step-witch , which he's the 3rd husband (and dia tau bila da kawen , how stupid is that ? ) i guess -.- pfft , *cpt2 lah divorce XD
not that i dont like her , well , honestly , nobody likes her accept for her family lah kan , 8 children ? wow , that's pretty amazing huh ?
apa la dia mandrem abah smpi jd mcm tuu :( *i mean , ure an ustaz , how can you marry someone like that ? her son is a pencuri , for god's sake , tolonglah -______- urghhh
haih , well , i cant do anything , takkan ttbe nak ' abah , bila nk divorce ? '
karang kena pulak ' gapo ni cucuk2 hidung serupo lembu ? pg smaye nuh '
habis lah :/
haha , now im talking crap , okay forget about that ,
but , i just miss mi sometimes :/ i feel like crying , omg , im crying , haihh , its been a sadful week huh ?
she's like a mum to me okay , she's the one who take care of me , haihh , it feels like your mum is gone or something , not that my mum is gone but she took care of me when i was like what ? 2 months til im 5 years old , hows that ? and she's a bit diff from my mum , oh , A BIT ? correction ; CONTRA , i can say , sorry but yeah . haha
this is another thing i dont like abt raya -_____-
well , i , anith dalila usually blk kelantan berseorang , tidak beraya di penang , iaitu at my mum's mum which i can say my grandmother on my mum's side ,
i dont know why but i hate going there -.- not that i hate my grandmother or something just that i dont feel like she (or anyone from my mum's side) loves me pun , :S
and i dont really know family dia punya side thingy thingy , wtv crap , i just kinda tak 'click' dgn diorang .
selalu this yr kelantan , next year penang , then kelantan but skrng since mi is gone , penang je smpi bile2 , gile -___- dah la duduk 3 hari , omg , i cant live with that :(
lps tu blk kelantan bukan duduk dkt rumah dkt kg , duduk dkt hotel ,-.- rumah tu da la besar , nk jugak waste duit , tak faham lahhh , masalahh semua orang , -_________-
esok exam , im soooooooo gonna hmm , not fail but somewhre there ,
you know you love me , xo xo
i dont know why but i dont feel like raya-ing , this year :/ usually ill buy mercun and all but this year ? this year is so different , everything's changed ,
people ,
loveness ,
haih , i want it back to the way it was , when everything was perfect , when the family's reunite at mi's(ummi) house ,
but now mi is gone ,
abah got a new step-witch , which he's the 3rd husband (and dia tau bila da kawen , how stupid is that ? ) i guess -.- pfft , *cpt2 lah divorce XD
not that i dont like her , well , honestly , nobody likes her accept for her family lah kan , 8 children ? wow , that's pretty amazing huh ?
apa la dia mandrem abah smpi jd mcm tuu :( *i mean , ure an ustaz , how can you marry someone like that ? her son is a pencuri , for god's sake , tolonglah -______- urghhh
haih , well , i cant do anything , takkan ttbe nak ' abah , bila nk divorce ? '
karang kena pulak ' gapo ni cucuk2 hidung serupo lembu ? pg smaye nuh '
habis lah :/
haha , now im talking crap , okay forget about that ,
but , i just miss mi sometimes :/ i feel like crying , omg , im crying , haihh , its been a sadful week huh ?
she's like a mum to me okay , she's the one who take care of me , haihh , it feels like your mum is gone or something , not that my mum is gone but she took care of me when i was like what ? 2 months til im 5 years old , hows that ? and she's a bit diff from my mum , oh , A BIT ? correction ; CONTRA , i can say , sorry but yeah . haha
this is another thing i dont like abt raya -_____-
well , i , anith dalila usually blk kelantan berseorang , tidak beraya di penang , iaitu at my mum's mum which i can say my grandmother on my mum's side ,
i dont know why but i hate going there -.- not that i hate my grandmother or something just that i dont feel like she (or anyone from my mum's side) loves me pun , :S
and i dont really know family dia punya side thingy thingy , wtv crap , i just kinda tak 'click' dgn diorang .
selalu this yr kelantan , next year penang , then kelantan but skrng since mi is gone , penang je smpi bile2 , gile -___- dah la duduk 3 hari , omg , i cant live with that :(
lps tu blk kelantan bukan duduk dkt rumah dkt kg , duduk dkt hotel ,-.- rumah tu da la besar , nk jugak waste duit , tak faham lahhh , masalahh semua orang , -_________-
esok exam , im soooooooo gonna hmm , not fail but somewhre there ,
you know you love me , xo xo
Sunday, September 21, 2008
pfft ,
aaaaaaaa , i feel like , omg , i dont know whats the word :S yeah , but i dont feel very good , i dont know why , haihh ,
i had this feelings since last night , and its very , VERY , annoying
i feel like marah-ing ppl -.- well , ill end up with tears tho , :S
i dont know why , but i every time i get angry with someone , i'll end up crying like a total loser -.-
adoii ,
everything is just not right , i feel like jumping out of a building .
or maybe i just need to talk to someone ?
well ive talked to paan last night , and its not working ,
i did that thing , that super saver thing , kan its like 4bucks fr 1 hour en ?
i talked to paan was like for only 15 minutes , arghh , ive wasted my credit :/
maybe i just need to talk to my girlfriend or wahida,
or maybe i dont need to talk to anyone ?
okay , wtf is wrong with me ?
and esok test ? great , just great ,
i dont feel like studying , too lazy ,
8Es perhaps ?
i had this feelings since last night , and its very , VERY , annoying
i feel like marah-ing ppl -.- well , ill end up with tears tho , :S
i dont know why , but i every time i get angry with someone , i'll end up crying like a total loser -.-
adoii ,
everything is just not right , i feel like jumping out of a building .
or maybe i just need to talk to someone ?
well ive talked to paan last night , and its not working ,
i did that thing , that super saver thing , kan its like 4bucks fr 1 hour en ?
i talked to paan was like for only 15 minutes , arghh , ive wasted my credit :/
maybe i just need to talk to my girlfriend or wahida,
or maybe i dont need to talk to anyone ?
okay , wtf is wrong with me ?
and esok test ? great , just great ,
i dont feel like studying , too lazy ,
8Es perhaps ?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
bestfriend nowdays,
apa mslh kau la ? kau igt kau kuat or kaki fighter kau boleh buat mcm tuu ? kau da ckp mcm tu dkt aku then nk ckp cerita semua da tutup ? wtf ? kau tak nak mengaku pulak skrng ? kau baik la ? pg mati lah , aku rasa animals pun tk mcm tu okay ? aku pun pelik asal aku suka kau dulu , not suka , sayang okay ? and kau bgtau aku td yg kau gunakan aku je ? fucker ! sumpah , aku sumpah kau bad luck seumur hidup kau weh ! kau nk revenge dkt aku pehal ? mst kau da psycho paan semua kan ? bajet innocent la ? kau igt kau sape ? you can hide but you cant run , so , keep hiding , because you'll never get away . kau igt aku takut sgt dgn kau ? mmg la kan agak takut ah since mcm kau mcm ganas je , hahaha , but wtv . there's someone who's more powerful than you , and dia la yg tentukan everything , kau kuat mana pun , if dia tak approve kau nk pukul aku ke apa2 , you cant , you just CANT , sumpah aku ckp , aku benci kau gila babi tahap afterlife okay ! kau suka la kan gf kau mabuk , patut la , gf bf rosak , tade sape nk betul kan ? haha , kecik2 da jd mcm tuu , you're still consider as SMALL fr taking all those things you know ?
yeah , wtv , mls la nk layan kauu , mati la kauuu ! :@
yeah , wtv , mls la nk layan kauu , mati la kauuu ! :@
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