Friday, March 20, 2009

KL . Kelantan

well , its not as bad as i think it is. Fine , maybe its a bit religious :S or a little bit more and like muslims have to wear tudung to the mall otherwise kene saman HAHA that's wht i heard lh , but mcm never happen to me pun, so yeah. I really think that its up to us you know, i mean , i know its their thing to advice muslims to tutup aurat because its a have to kind of thing but its really up to us , are we ready or not kan , but yeah . wtv haha

The hostel , well , hm , 1st of all , i've had histeria like in the 3rd week or something , scary tho . they said that im the strongest among all yang kene :S and because i have 6 piercings and maybe used to color my hair (i blacken it black back bt it turns the color like fading because the color before was too strong -.- ) and the PK HEM saw my piercings and my hair and she said that it might be because of that . wtv lah .

there are some people that are open minded , like my frnds of course. some of them when i first came there , when i told them how i live my life bfre they were like 'god!' and the next mrning didnt talk to me again :S so , on this 22nd i'll be giving ceramah at the surau which they call musalla here about hmm my life i think . haha . and i gave 1 bfre the school holidays and it was about 'memfitnah' . and my senior , which im kind of close to , told me that , there's someone asking her when i was giving the ceramah abt the fitnah thingy and that someone was like , 'oh i thought she had 6 piercings and this and that and doesnt know abt Islam' *in kelantanese of course* well obviously it depends on the family she used to live before stupid ! -.- and now baru like berpandangan baik and this is what i call stupid cupid ppl that i hate . even the biro agama pun mcm take it slowly because they understand how i chnged my life mcm sgt contra okay dgn yg dulu , so people , chill , im trying to change and you kind of people are so not helping ! i feel like screaming at their faces -.- just wait and see what im gonna talk abt this 22nd and you gys wil be gobsmacked !

oh , and i heard ada this girl mcm jealous , and she told my frnd ni dia prnh jeling dkt i and i buat bodoh or even dont recognize pun. so , what do you expect me to do ? cungkil biji mata kau ? bodoh , orang yang bodoh je buat mcm tu okay and im not tht stupid -.- ergh stupid .

haha , and yeah , the whole teachers knew how i live my life bfre and since my cousin's teaching there mcm memburukkan nama dia haih , wtv . mu ustzh adviced me the other day and i cried , she said she knows evrything and then masa extra class there was this teacher which i dnt know and doesnt teach our class came in because we're too noisy and she asked 'who's the new student?' and i raised my hand and she was like 'oh,wear your tudung properly' *bajet kau bagus sgt ah* urgh . how i live my life bfre has nothing to do how i live my life now kan , so fuck off la . eeee , geram :( lantak kau lah at least aku berperangai baik , kalau jahat pun dkt luar je . HAHA

so yeah , i have loads of friends , and i gained a lil bit of weight . and guess what ? i got 72% for my sejarah *hooray haha . never get close to D pun and ttbe dpt B :D how cool is that . haha . and i was chosen to compete in pidato in english :S haha , and im apparently the only student that's from outside of kelantan . thank god i live here fr a few years back then unless ill never understand what theyre talking about. HAHA . and guess what ? i have my slang already -.- urgh . haha

yeah , tht's al fr now

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