hello there , im anith . from KL . i moved here because my parents think tht im a spoiled brat . well , i think i am :S they send me here because they want me to be a better person . well , i smoke , i drink , i have 6 piercings . dont be my friend . i have a lot already and you dont want to end up being like me do you ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH .
HAHA , mcm gangster pulak *kening kening . HAHA .
hell no , im not gonna say that -.- the ex principle is my dad's er i dont know what's their relation , ngeh . and still , the ex principle is still teaching there , and he got a daughter . also a teacher there . so im not gonna embarassed my family's name lah kan :O see , im nice kan ? :D hahaha .

and just now , i met Nadhil at rasta. But only for 1/2 an hour kot :| well , he doesn't look okay . i mean , he looks okay but from his face , i can see that he is not okay :| he said that he will wait fr me , and after the PLKN thingy , he'll go to Kelantan and will find me -.- HA-HA syg . im going to boarding school , and its Kelantan we're talking abt . HAHA then he was like , 'oh , ala , 3 tahun je lepas tu kita kawen , then you nak bljr lagi en ' -.- bongok oh dia ni kadang2 . adoiii . HAHAHA. well , after he gone back . he texted to my sister's phone , he said ' i love you so much and take care ' then a few minutes later , he called , he said 'oh sbnrnye td i tgh tahan nangis oh , i nak nangis tp mcm awal sgt ' and i was 'oh bie , im not going anywhere :), haa ? awal sgt ? wht do you mean ? HAHA ' then he said 'nanti if you tk jadi pg kelantan you bgtau i okay ? ' i was ' yeah , nnt i text you :) ' then he said ' okay , bye i love youu so much ' then , after a few minutes , well 15 mins to be precise , he called again , and this time he was crying :| he was like ' *crying* bie , jgn tgglkan i okay ? i syg you ' and i was like ' no bie , i tak tgglkan you , i janji ok , sumpah . dah la , jgn la nangis , semua benda okay alright ' then he was like ' nanti jgn lupa call i , bye , i love you so much ' and i was like ' okay syg , i love you too take care '
i pg kejap je okay bie ? nnt i blk lah :) its not like im going there frvr . i love you bie . and i will wait fr you
dan saya minta maaf dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki kepada seseorang tu . i didnt mean to hide it from you tapi mcm , haih . entah lah . im sorry :| i love youuuu :(
1 comment:
INTRODUCE you kat budak kelantan tu memang style respect doh hahaha jangan risau lepas i habis spm i turun sana bawak satu kampung doh hahahaha ok hahahahaha XD
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