well , last night i mimpi yg i dgn my ex get back together :/ well , he was holding my hand tau , masa tu we dah broke up , but then dlm that dream konon nk get back tgthr with me la kot :/
and mcm , i thought i dah get over him , 100%ly -.- suddenly mimpi tu mcm dtg dkt i -.- adoii ,
i am so freaking sad okay , he's the only person yg mcm aaaaaa , i dont know , and bila dah ada mimpi mcm tu , mcm teringat all the things that we've done together , if la kan , IF , pindah rumah as easy as we change our phone numbers :/ i dah pindah berjuta kali dah kot :/ haihh , what's wrong with me -.- i hate myself for still loving him . tp kan mcm tak worth it because he's such a loser , perempuan tu kan mcm toys kot i rasa , ya allah :( pleaseee help me :/ i dont know what to do :| asal dia add i dkt myspace at the frst place ? why did i meet him ? whyyy ? tolong lah , i cant stand living like this anymore , its been almost 3 months okay , why cant i get over you yet ? whyyy ? i hate myself , i hate my life , i hate YOU , why did you do that ? what have i done to you ? whaaaat ? for god's sake pleasee , i just need an explanation , tiba2 je that day i call you and suddenly you ckp i'm too young lah , and i dont understand you ? what the fuck maaan ? -.- tak cukup kasih syg ke apa ? i rasa i dah bg allllllllllll of my heart dkt you , and this is what you did to me ? dump me , yeah , i dont know to who else to bermanja2 accept fr this fucking bloggie , but wtv , i love you bloggie , oh ya , and the 6th day we've broke up , boleh pulak i nmpk dgn minah tu , peluk2 lagi ? when i ask you that day , yg you ada someone else , ckp tak , apa ni ? sape yg tak faham sape ? but stil lah , i tade la nk dump you , tak fikir ke ? org cpl because they want to understand each other , all the prmises semua bull shit , apa masalah you actly ? adoiii ,
and i donk know why i stil loves you eventho u did that to me , its been 3 FUCKING MONTHS -.- lama kot , and still , i belum move on , and u dah tuka 2 gf's , and i dont know til when do i have to suffer like this , i feel like killing my self okay , oh god , i feel like crying :'( i just hope that what i dreamed last night will come true , i dont know why i syg him soooodamnfuckingbloodyshitmuch -.- tlg lah , please , go away , just go . but i dont wnt you to go :( but , AAAA , I DONT KNOW . dah la gf you skrng muka mcm laki , tlg lah , i rasa tak lama lg dpt ah tu gf baru , yelah , cpt boring en ? i understand , HAHA , NO I DONT -.- oh ya , kan perempuan en mainan , sape tak cpt boring dgn toys en ? patut ah , ahaha . i dont know why im talking abt him pun , dah la , mls nk fikir , lagi fikir lagi sakit hati , hati i dia buat smpi calar2 semua , byk scars tau tak , guna vitamin E pun tak hlg2 , evryday ltk bio oil pun tak hlg jugak , just remember that allah nk uji i je , how strong i am :/ i guess , but i know that im not that strong anymore , not before i met him , so i think meeting him was the BIGGEST MISTAKE ive made , i shouldnt have met him that day , I REGRET , aku menyesal aku jumpa kau , aku menyesal kau bf aku , aku menyesal curahkan kasih syg aku dkt kau , AKU MENYESAL SEMUA BENDA YANG AKU BUAT DEMI KAU , and i also believe that every single guy in the world sama je mcm dia ni accept fr nabi je , he's the only one yg faham how perempuan feels , sumpah if aku tak get over him dlm beberapa month lagi , i'll kill myself , i dont know why is this guy so special to me you know -.- , i hate that i love you , dont you remember the days we had tghthr ? HAHA , MMG TAKKAN LAH , okay , i mcm merepek dah skrng , talk abt the same thing after bnd lain , ahahah , mmg fail ah essay if buat mcm ni , but who cares ? this is just a blog , it has nothing to do with exams , and i dont care what you ppl say , im desperate fr my ex ke , ckp lah , because you dont know how does it feels when the ppl you love the most dumped you ? and tade perasaan langsung ? no pity ? and all that , haha , yeah ,
thanks fr reading this shit ,
anith , xoxo