Woke up around 3pm then took a shower. Drove to Bsd to meet idk, a lot of people at diff places but around there. Lost on my way going there, called A then waited for him at in front of Rasta. B took over and drove to curve bcause he needs to buy idk what. Then I took over and he showed the way to Bsd. Dropped him at Mcd and i went to Safa to meet M, unfortunately she wasn't there, she was, 1 hour 30 mins ago, but I was lost right, with the irritating traffic jam at the Curve *sighs*. Then went to Mcd again lepak for a while with B, then H came with his idk who, gf maybe and then A came. 15 mins after that M called and said she was sorry, she went to DU fr a while to pick W. Then I drove again to Safa to meet them, then A texted asked whether im going back to Mcd or not, then 15 mins after lepak-ed at Safa with M, W, R and M I drove off again to Mcd, then T texted, he was hungry and all, and I said let's go eat something. Reached Mcd, fought with A. After I took off to pick T, A texted that its over, then okay. T and me went to Beragas, and AA was there, after finished eating, M called, asked to pick her up, then went to Beragas again, she and W had their dinner then around 8 we went to padang Saga while waiting for S,N and those guys. Were planning to go to DPC to clbrte, well, on my way there something awful happened, I crashed a car, MY CAR wasn't that good, lampu pecah, kemek and all. *sighs* I was damn panick la duh, S called N, and he came, I hugged him. haih , what a terrible NYE. Guards took my IC and all, waited for almost 1/2an hour fr the owner of the car to come, but she didnt then I just left my phone num for her to call, then around 1am she called, she was okay, very nice, and i set up for a meet, supposedly today, but her father called me and said tht its okay but I have to pay for his car lah, I dont think its tht expensive because sikit je pun *finger-crossed*
Oh, clbrted NYE with A, he came, to the house.
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